Thursday, February 11, 2010

Brooke's Book Nook

here's some books I've read,because i read more than i's some books you might like:

-Percy Jackson and the Olympians, by Rick Riordan.I'd probably recommend it as 8 and older.fantasy and Greek myths.brilliant!All the books in the series are great!
-Eragon , by Christopher Paolini . Great book.I'd recommend ages 9 and up.I'm on the second book,Eldest.great book, also.
-the Katie kazoo, switcheroo! series, by Nancy Krulik. good for 2nd,and 3rd graders.i, myself like the books.    

                           just some good books for book lovers like me!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

too much snow!!!

...and i'd thought i'd never live to see this much snow in my life(excluding christmas trips to UT)."you'll never see this much snow again in VA",says my mom.And we just had about 15 -20 more inches added to our about 2 1/2 feet of snow. man, i haven't had school in about a week, and now school is canceled for the 11-12 too!yow!and we're remodeling! anyone else has this much snow and crazy?right now, we kids are cooped up in the basement while the remodelers put wood floors on the main floor.thankfully, we haven't lost power(yet),with our bad luck.
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hi!! This is brooke!

hi! i have never blogged before,so I'm still getting used to it.thankfully, this is fun, so i won't get tired of it soon-or will i?this will/is my online journal for you!

                            -bk (brooke kathryn, to be exact.)